Release your natural hidden beauty at ANY AGE! Now you can have a gorgeous HEAD-TURNING PORTRAIT your friends will ADORE! From your portraits and snapshots!

Set Free Your Natural Inner Beauty!

From a SNAPSHOT…..
This was taken inside my kitchen, with bad lighting and color.
….To THIS. A true portrait of studio quality!
Just a few tweaks away!

I have always been the guy who could never make a good portrait.
In college I took lots of candid portraits of friends and acquaintances, some with wonderful results……the rest like mine.
I was dear friends with a Japanese girl, rather attractive though not the fashion model type, but she had some sort of natural “gift”: cameras LOVED HER! She was one of those rare women who could take a ravishing photo at 5:00 AM wearing a burlap bag. She was like Black Magic, and I HAD to know why!
The Search
I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever it takes to learn the secrets to making EVERY candid portrait I took be the very best it can be.
I started to break down the basic elements of a candid snapshot, and attempted to decide what essentials should, and SHOULD NOT, be done without resorting to a professional studio. I sought great enhancement without making the subject appear grotesque. I came up with a short list of essentials and divided them into two categories: Technical and Artistic.
Technical aspects of a good candid portrait included such things as exposure, color balance, focus, but these alone could not account for why some were mediocre and others great. I concluded that the Artistic factors were more important.
Artistic aspects of a portrait are extremely powerful because art appeals to emotion, and people are emotional beings. A few artistic essentials:
Pose – Actually, a NON-pose is more often an asset to a good candid portrait. I have found many of my best portraits are from shots taken without the subject’s knowledge. Most people are self-concious to some degree when they are aware of the camera looking at them. An absolutely non-posed shot has a certain emotional appeal not available in studio poses. The real personality shines through like no pose could ever achieve. THIS INNER PERSONALITY IS WHAT WE ARE SEEKING!
This is a stock photo, not my own. She is an attractive young lady, not really a candid shot, but relaxed. I will use her photo as an example of techniques.

She has beautiful hair and skin-tone, but the background is a wooden porch and wood siding of a house. A bit distracting and not at all glamorous.
Crop – A well cropped image will isolate the subject to best advantage for artistic appeal as well as for intended frame or canvas size. This could also be a “Technical” aspect, but good cropping takes a certain amount of artistic skill.
I cropped this to a portrait shape, and purposely retained as much of her lovely hair as possible.

The background, however, is still a distraction.
Background – Once shape, size and perspective have been determined, a change of background can do wonders for a subject. Backgrounds can range from plain, happy and light to deep and dramatic. Each lends its own emotional tone to the subject’s image.
Here I removed and replaced the background with one a bit less distracting.

I also removed a few minor blemishes from her face.
Color Adjustment – Color can be adjusted to enhance the tone of the image. A slight tweak of skin tone is often quite helpful, also.
Make-up Adjust – Women wear make-up to show their natural beauty to best advantage. But sometime a very slight adjustment can do wonders.
Here I tweaked her skin-tone and makeup slightly, paying especial attention to her eyes and hair.

I also adjusted the lighting slightly. Unflattering lighting can affect the overall quality of an image. Slight variations of light direction and intensity can make dramatic differences in an image.
Eyes – The MOST IMPORTANT part of any portrait. When people communicate they look into each others’ eyes. Babies instinctively look into their mother’s eyes. Even your dog looks into your eyes for the same instinctive reasons. A PORTRAIT MUST NOT IGNORE OR SKIMP ON THE EYES! It is said that the eye is a window into the soul, and that is especially true in photos or artwork. A portrait can lose or gain so much emotional appeal with a little tweaking of the eyes.

Eye attention includes enhancing her mascara, eye shadows, lightening the iris and adding catch lights to her pupils. Eyes must be clean and sharp to be glamorous.
Hair – Hair is second only to eyes in importance.

A few other slight tweaks, and VOILA! A glamorous portrait in a Neo-Vargas style (in this example) from a semi-candid snapshot!
The Portrait Holy Grail: AI + Human Emotion!
I am happy to announce that the method of AI plus the human touch is perfected enough to be made available to the world.
Introducing: Glamour-U!
High-end image enhancing is an art that is used by skilled technicians who use the very best tools of the trade. We go way beyond the usual Photoshop tweaks and filters, to provide you with a finished product using the best modern editing tools. Our image enlargement, for example, is state of the art, and the best you will find anywhere!
We don’t just fix the most obvious flaws in a photo, and throw a filter over it. We search through your image pixel by pixel to find any flaws or damage, and create a perfect restoration or enhancement.
Photo retouching involves more than simply editing an image to make it look better. From adjusting colors, removing unwanted people or opjects, smoothing skin, changing backgrounds, to bringing drab eyes to life – EVERYTHING is possible for a skilled image enhancer.
It’s a rare skill to know how much to do, and also when to stop!
If you want a photo to look the absolute best it can, you must pay a premium price for high-end retouching and enhancement. We, however, offer high-end image editing at a fraction of average cost.
There are many online offers for digital work paid by the hour. We don’t charge by the hour because we believe you should get the best quality possible regardless of time involved. There is no need to pay an hourly price for a 20-minute job, nor a 2-hour job.
Average price per hour online: $50 – $150. Usually one hour equals one image.
Pricing per image usually involves a multi-tier system:
BASIC – $5 – $10 per image. This includes:
Color Adjustment
Exposure Adjustment
Remove small blemishes and scratches
MEDIUM – $15 – $25 per image.
Remove background objects
Masking, make background transparent
Photo colorization
COMPREHENSIVE – $20 – $50 per image.
Background/Sky replacement
Comprehensive editing.
You can expect to pay considerable more for HIGH END GLAMOUR ENHANCEMENT or magazine quality work.
Now it’s YOUR TURN!
We are offering ONE PAYMENT, PER IMAGE, COMPREHENSIVE work that gives you:
Complete Image Editing:
Adjust tone and exposure
Remove scratches and minor blemishes
Remove distracting objects

Replace sky
Remove or replace background

Adjust color balance
Enlarge image
Crop/Resize for frame
Basic, Medium and Comprehensive work – Industry Value = $85.00 + Per Image.
(CAVIAT) : Not every image lends itself well to manipulation.
For example, an image with little detail. Detail cannot be conjured out of the air, nor added where detail does not exist. To do so is not image editing, it is merely faking it, and is a bit unethical.

This is a modern image with good detail and color, but another example of what CAN NOT be done. The photo can surely be improved somewhat in its original form, but to isolate the lady and create a portrait is all butt impossible because of the man in front. To remove him would almost certainly ruin her image also.

These types of circumstances are why we insist on reviewing a photo before attempting an enhancement or repair. There may be miracle-workers in the industry who can achieve the near-impossible, but if we determine we cannot do it to our own standards, then we will certainly not charge you money for sub-standard work.
High-End Glamour portrait enhancement:
Crop and Resize
Remove background objects
Mask foreground subject
Replace background with Studio-Quality backdrop
Adjust exposure
Adjust lighting direction
Face and Body sculpting
Teeth and Eye whitening
Iris enhancements
Make-up enhancements/Bronzing
Remove blemishes
Skin smoothing
Hair enhancements
Catch Lights
Most studio portraits and professional wedding photos need only the most basic edits and enhancements. Unless you want a dramatic or stylized effect.
High End Industry Value = $150.00+ Per Image.
Digital Painting and Portrait Stylizing involve considerable extra work and are priced as separate images.
Our Guarantee
We do not offer a “money back” guarantee. What we DO offer is a guarantee of your satisfaction BEFORE any money changes hands AT ALL! After you upload your image with instructions, we will review it to determine if we are comfortable attempting what work you wish to have done with your photo. This is at NO CHARGE to you.
Whether we can accept your image or not, we will notify you same day usually. When the image is accepted, we begin work as you have instructed.
Once finished to our satisfaction, we will send you a low-resolution version for your approval. If you are not happy with our result, we will try again to meet your approval. When you approve, we will send you an invoice with payment instructions. Once payment is received, we will send you a beautiful high-resolution image sized and ready for framing.
The point here is, up until the moment you pay our invoice, this has cost you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! NOT ONE CENT!
Our Special Offer for YOU!
This may not be “good business” but it makes us feel like we are doing our very best for our clients.
AFTER you have approved our work, and even AFTER you have received our invoice, we offer you ANOTHER CHANCE to say “No” to our offer, no questions asked. How much more “NO RISK” can you get?
And That’s NOT ALL!
During our special Indroductyory period we will include TWO extra special-effect versions of the same image ABSOLUTELY FREE!
BUT…..(Yeah, there’s always one of those!) we can’t guarantee how long we can continue this offer. That’s THREE versions of your image for the already ridiculous low price of ONE, only $19.00!
Again, we don’t have any idea how long we can make this offer. This is an introductory low/no profit offer Maybe it will last a day, maybe a month. It depends on workload and cost effectiveness.
Sooo……Get it while YOU CAN! Don’t wait until it’s too late!
UPLOAD your images here! Let us see what we can do for you. You may well be pleasantly surprised!